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Bipolar Disorder Course Feedback Form

The course was organized in a manner that helped me better understand Bipolar Disorder.

Well Organised
Very DisatisfiedDisatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery Satisfied

The course workload and requirements were appropriate for the course level.

Appropriate Level
Very DisatisfiedDisatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery Satisfied

The materials were valuable and appropriate to the goals of the course.

Met Goals
Very DisatisfiedDisatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery Satisfied

The course helped me to better understand Bipolar Disorder.

Increased Knowledge
Very DisatisfiedDisatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery Satisfied

The course gave me the confidence to discuss Bipolar Disorder with others.

Very DisatisfiedDisatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery Satisfied

Overall, this course met my expectations

Met Expectations
Very DisatisfiedDisatisfiedOKSatisfiedVery Satisfied

I would highly recommend this course to other students.

Very UnlikelyUnlikelyNeutralLikelyVery Likely

Do you give permission to Bipolar Australia to publish this feedback online for promotional purposes?


Thanks for your feedback. Your certificate has been emailed to you.

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